How to get Infinite CourseHero previews!

CourseHero has been making it tougher and tougher for students to access documents and get answers without paying. So much so that you can’t even preview parts of a file more than 3 times a month. Even scummier, they advertise a price of $9.95 to view it, but the truth is the minimum charge is $40.  So why pay $40 for something you can get for free?


The video below shows precisely how to circumvent CourseHero’s tyranny. All you have to do is clear your cookies for the site when the message pops up and reload. Don’t believe me? Click play!


Unfortunately, this method only works for previews. If you need to access the full document, you’re still going to want to buy from me. Only $1.50 for the full unblurred CourseHero document!